We carry dreams Fulfill many Lift our hearts Again and again We see the world Taste its fruits Know its sunrise And sunsets From almost every angle We sometimes try to buy Contentment, security and pleasure Again and again Sometimes
Read more →This is an intense time. It is an intense week, in an intense year, in an intense life. Now more than ever I think it is a good time to ask ourselves why do we do the things we do?
Read more →I have said that we need my book as much after “Tiger” as we did after “Clinton and Lewinsky.” Truthfully, we have always needed it. My parents needed it. Fortunately for me, 🙂 talking about my book holds my interest
Read more →The power of the subconscious mind has always been a central topic in my work. How and why do we attract a certain result or kind of relationship? What are we most attracted to and why? And, how can we
Read more →With recent events of economic stress and now in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I am finding that it is once again an important time for us to address our fears. As a follow up to
Read more →In appreciation of participating, teaching, and being interviewed by Dr. Pat at the Northwest Women’s show, I am posting a favorite poem of mine. Perhaps not my best, but one I have felt to be the most central description of
Read more →Is it true that men are less often monogamous than women? Why? And how do you attract a monogamous man or maintain a monogamous relationship? For now, lets skip over the issue that genetic or anthropological forces of non-monogamy may
Read more →What is the purpose of Valentines day? How does it differ for men, women, and children? How can we best utilize the day, transcend the myths and social conditioning, and make it a day that supports our relationships? I feel
Read more →One of the less obvious joys of writing is much the same as that of reading; we do it when we can, and it is not essential. It is usually not really work, a chore or a business. It is
Read more →I often feel like the way we measure time is arbitrary. While it is obvious that each year is a natural cycle measured by the sun, I think it can be helpful to live beyond the yearly cycle and commit
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