Happy New Year-Acknowledge Yourself

What I find most beneficial about celebrating The New Year is that it marks a cycle that can help us reflect on how we feel. I like to use this time to note my gratitudes for the past year and my goals for the coming year and future. I like birthdays even more for this. They are our special day to remember our importance in this world but they also are good for self-reflection.

I encourage you to focus on what you have accomplished in the past and don’t let your inner critic dominate this time by being upset about your unfulfilled goals and dreams. Regardless of what this past year has included for you, see the success in it. See and remember the good in the ways your have lived. You are playing the hand you were dealt (or have created) and you are doing well with it.

I have always said that if you are going to compare yourself to others to remember to compare yourself to those with less success and fortune, and not just to those with more. Here at the new year, if your are evualuating yourself remember to focus on your success, even if it is in process.

It is a big life we are living, and yes, especially now. Good job. You are good enough exactly the way you are – no cliche, just one of the deepest metaphysical principals that we are resting into.


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