Poetry: “The Bucket List”

We carry dreams
Fulfill many
Lift our hearts
Again and again

We see the world
Taste its fruits
Know its sunrise
And sunsets
From almost every angle

We sometimes try to buy
Contentment, security and pleasure
Again and again
Sometimes forgetting
That we have already survived
Have already conquered and proven
Our worth
And our security

Sometimes we live our life
As if God is watching our video
On the travel channel
Noting each accomplishment
Each pleasure that proves

Real security can not be
Accomplished or found
It can only be left behind
In the gifts we give
And leave to grow
In others hearts

Real joy
Can not be chronicled
Kept on a list
Checked twice
It can only be felt
As it moves through us
Like a warm wind
If we empty our bucket
And water all that we can
We walk with both hands free
Freed from the worry
Of spilling our bounty

When we leave our footprints
We leave our mark
Carving our life’s gifts
With all of our might
And leaving them
For others to know
Build upon
Like a foundation
Of a shelter
That follows each generation

  1. Very nice Peter. It captures what is most important in life, and that is giving and sharing the bounty whicht God has given to each of us, with each other. I hope you are well…hugs

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